ITF’s new website update!

ITF’s updated website is now up and running! Our team has brought substantial changes to the user experience. Not only has the esthetic design of the front page and About Us page been refreshed, but also certain key aspects of site organization structure have been renewed, making it more user friendly and dynamic. The interface now facilitates greater user navigation and more direct access to different parts of the website. Furthermore, the site has now integrated two key features: the implementation of a DONATE button and the launching of the ITF website in Arabic, to consent greater outreach to our Arab-speaking partners around the world.
The inclusion of the DONATE button enables individuals or organizations alike to more directly contribute to ITF’s activities relating to enhancing human security. Users can now simply click on the DONATE option and will be capable of donating through credit card or PayPal any sum starting from 10 euros, which can already be enough to fund the clearance of 10 square meters of a minefield or help establish a mine risk education workshop for one child.
In addition, it is of our utmost pleasure to announce that ITF’s website page is translated in Arabic, simply by clicking on the language options that can always be found in the top-right corner of the screen. With ITF’s ever-increasing activities and operations in Arab-speaking regions, we believed that it was necessary to extend our language outreach to that audience and those communities, allowing for greater synergy of media relations. ITF’s desire to keep close communication ties with the Arab world is also channeled through ITF’s Arabic Facebook page.