The Convention on Cluster Munitions entered into force
The Convention on Cluster Munitions entered into force on 01 August 2010 and prohibits all use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions. ITF has been active in this field since 2003.
Slovenia signed and ratified the Convention on Clust
The Convention on Cluster Munitions entered into force on 01 August 2010 and requires from all states parties to fully respect the prohibition of use, stockpiling, production and transfer of cluster munitions. In addition, the Convention also covers care and rehabilitation for victims of cluster munitions, clearance of contaminated areas, risk reduction education and destruction of stockpiles.
The Convention was adopted in Dublin by 107 states on 30 May 2008 and is the result of a process that was initiated at the first Conference on Cluster Munitions, held in Oslo (Norway) from 22 to 23 February 2007 (the so-called »Oslo Process«). Among signatories to this Convention is also Slovenia who already ratified it. The First Meeting of States Parties will take place in Vientiane (Laos) from 8 to 12 November 2010 where the representatives of ITF and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia will attend.
ITF has been active in addressing cluster munitions related problems since 2003 with clearance of contaminated areas as well as assistance and rehabilitation of victims. ITF implemented the largest part of its cluster munition clearance activities in Serbia (Nis, Kraljevo, Kopaonik), which has the biggest contamination problem in South East Europe; the activities in Serbia were supported through ITF by 13 donors and enabled clearance of nearly 3 million square meters of the territory. ITF is also active in wider region of South East Europe and other affected parts of the world.
ITF is going to increase its cluster munition clearance programme in period 2010-2013. For example, ITF intends to clean around one million square meters of contaminated territory in Serbia only in 2010.
For more information about the Convention on Cluster Munitions click here.
For more information about the Convention on Cluster Munitions click here.